Jerry Jones Jr


New Hanover County Board of Education

A new voice fighting for transparency, academic curiosity, and professionalism.

A commitment to inclusion, sustainability and excellence

Jerry will be a Board member who listens more than he talks in an effort to ensure all voices are heard. He is laser focused on the linked issues of creating a self-sufficient District that is the envy of NC.

A passion for creating impactful conversations

Jerry believes very much that the Board must turn to the community to find the best ideas. He is guided by the principle that those impacted by solutions should have a stake in creating them. He learned this framework as a business leader and teacher – he uses it frequently.


What do you believe about the person with whom you’re engaged in conversation? How does it skew your perspective?


Approaching conversations with humility and curiosity leaves you open to learn from that conversation.


Conversations are more impactful when you make human connections. Start the conversation by looking for the similarities rather than the differences.


Listen more than you talk. Ask open questions rather than “gotcha” questions.


Engage with questions that lead to deep thinking rather than judging ones. Your job is to create conversation space that is fruitful rather than condemning.


Focus your language around the things you want, rather than the things you don’t want. Framing the conversation in positives rather than in negatives.


Jerry’s Substack

  • My whirlwind of thought on salient Board related issues
  • Case studies that investigate the context of Board policies
  • Opportunities to engage in long-form discussions

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